This is new from Iluminage and is the most advanced at-home hair removal system. Up until now we have had different at-home removal devices but this one is the FIRST that works for all skin tones and hair colours which, I think, is BIG NEWS. The other at-home devices can only be used on a skin tone and type where you can differentiate between the skin and hair colour ; aka pale skin/fair/red hair and dark skin and dark hair is a no-go as the laser will not tell what is skin and what is the hair follicle so it just will not work. For me, I am lucky as I am medium skin-toned and brown hair so I am an ideal candidate for laser hair removal, but for many, this has always been a problem.
What is Iluminage?
This is a at-home and hand-held IPL hair removal device. It comes from the creators of IPL (intense pulsed light) technology and uses a combination of this combined with radio frequency (RF) to deliver permanant hair reduction. The Iluminage is proven to be a safe, fast,effective and pain-free method for hair removal for any skin tones and hair colour.
How do you use it?
You use the Iluminage on targeted areas (where you want to de-fuzz) once a week for 6 weeks (7 treatments). It can be used on all areas from the nose down, aka yes girls you can do your beards and moustaches. You do need to prep the area before you treat with the Iluminage by removing the hair (wax/shave/epilate) for it to work effectively. What I find really fantastic about this machine is that it has an epilator that you can attach to it is required, so you can hair remove and treat at the same time = GENIUS!
You switch on the machine, select your level (low/medium/high) and glide the device over the area you are treating. It really is very quick and simple. Bikini line can be treated in 4 minutes, legs (full, both) in 20 mins…you can basically do ALL your areas ; legs, bikini, underarms, forearms in 30 minutes.
Clinically proven to reduce hair growth by 94% in just 7 treatments.
Does it hurt?
Suprisingly, no. I have myself used the Tria device which did twang quite a bit (espescially under the arms!) so I was happy to see for myself that this really doesn’t hurt. Depending on the intensity you select, you may feel a warming sensation which is totally pain-free I promise.
Are the results permanent?
This is where I get a little confused. Some of the wording is a bit dubious. I believe this to be a permanant hair-reduction, so for me this is not saying permanent hair removal. I am yet to try it out fully, so can’t report, but I am assuming it will be a device that perhaps you need to top up once a year on any areas that need another ‘zap’. I also guess it depends on your hair type and how ‘well’ you use the machine in the first place. If used correctly and you manage to not miss any patches over the initial 6-week period, I doubt you will have to touch a razor for a year or two. That’s my understanding.
How much does it cost?
It is not cheap and never will be. This machine costs £375 but for a permanent reduction in hair-growth as anyone will know who has IPL/ laser hair removal…this is a really good price and absolutely worth every penny. It’s clinically proven to work so I have no doubt it will do what it says. You can also share this device so can split the cost between friends, you just need to buy your own ELOS cartridge (the end piece of device). I think this would be a great thing to do if you live with or near some other people who can use/share it within the week to do their session, just pick a day that is yours and zap away/pass on.