Disclaimer / Policy

I blog as a lil’ side hustle and occasionally will get paid for content that you will read on here. I get sent a fair bunch of products so going forward here is how you will know who what where why and WHEN so it aligns with the new ASA guidelines and is more transparent / easy to understand for you.

Here is the terminology you may see on and around my blog posts and what they mean :


I will clearly declare at the end of a post if within it, there are items that are press samples (products that have been sent to me, free of charge, with no obligation to write about them)


This is if I have been paid by a brand / company to feature something on my blog. These posts will be clearly marked with ‘AD’ within the blog post title.


I use affiliate links across my blog. Affiliate links basically mean when you click on them and shop,  I earn a small amount of commission from your purchase. It is not more expensive for you, nor does it effect your shopping experience.


Twitter & Instagram : If I have been paid to promote anything it will clearly state ‘AD’ at the beginning of the tweet / Instagram caption.

Please feel free to ping me an e-mail if you have any queries about any of the above.