Weekend Vibes : Bath Soaks to Ease Tired Butts + Brains.

It’s the weekend which means several things : possible nights out with the gals/guys, binge-watching crime series, getting a takeaway of some description, scrolling Instagram for endless hours,catching up with loved ones if you can be arsed, trying to unwind from the week you have and of course……PAMPER SUNDAYS.

I love a good ‘pamper Sunday’ and this will usually involve gearing up my latest podcast episode to listen to (currently : Casefile True Crime), lighting at least 2 overpriced candles in my bathroom, turning the lights off, filling my bath with bubbles and soaks to make me feel like I am *actually* in a spa for 0.006 seconds and slathering my face & body with numerous scrubs, masks and treatments.

I’m a soaker. I love a good soak in the tub. I actually pretty much do this EVERY single night of the week as I honestly find it good for my soul, my well-being and it’s just an hour of my time where I am in peace, quiet and allowing myself to drift away from the hustle of everyday-2018-life. Because of my daily bath rituals, I go through bath soaks, bubbles and oils by the TONNE and have self-appointed myself as a bit of a bath soak connoisseur.

Here’s a bunch of my favourite bath soaks + salts that cover ALL the budgets from £1 to £42.

Let’s start from the lower end of the budget with the very purse-friendly Radox Muscle Soak Bath Therapy salts. I’ll be honest, I was a bit of a snob when it comes to what I put in my bath (after investing in Aromatherapy Associates oils for YEARS) and I was on holiday and needed a good soak in the hotel. The only pharmacy within reach had a pretty dismal offering so I decided to try these Radox salts. THEY ARE FAB! Definitely worth a try as they are only £1 and they give me around 4-5 uses per box to get an effective treatment. Perfect for soothing tired and achey muscles.

Stepping up into the £ realm are the infamous Westlab Epsom Bathing Salts. These are REALLY good. The benefits of epsom salts are endless, including soothing, detoxifying & relaxing muscles.  Westlab do lots of different varieties of Epsom salts but I seem to love the ‘Muscle Relief’ the most. Must be ALL those gym sessions I have been doing < did I mention my gym called me up the other day to check if I was ok/alive?! 

Something a lil’ bit more fancy but not a bank-breaker are the gorgeously aromatic I Am woman Indulgent Bath Salts from Joan Collins. This jar contains a therapeutic blend of pink Himalayan & Jordanian dead sea salts containing more than 80 beneficial minerals. These magic salts will help detoxify the body, aid in circulation whilst nourishing the skin with hydrating properties.

Last up and the most £ indulgent £ of my favourite bath soaks is the Hayo’u Bathe Rite De-Stress Bath Minerals. I’ve definitely featured these before as they are so, SO good and dare I say it, worth the £42 price tag. These are formulated with pink himalayan salts, lotus flower and frankincense and it’s very concentrated so expect a super invigorating and almost overpowering scent when you lift off that lid. These are your proper spa-in-a-jar type salts, that will really work to detox your body, relax your muscles and ease your mind. They will quite literally make your bathroom and surrounding areas smell like a spa.

Have you tried any of these bath soaks? Do let me know any suggestions as like I said, I go through them so quickly so am always buying and trying new brands.