The sun is out so beware of incoming spring > summer > beach > holiday dreamin’ and everything in-between-posts. Yes, I am jumping the gun. Yes, I am excited. Yes, it’ll probably be grey and gloomy next week but I’m embracing this as much as I can. First up…let’s talk Spring scents.
I’m all for wear what you want when you want ; in terms of makeup / colours / scents and fashion. Seasons don’t need to dictate how you present yourself *but* for me…it somehow just does. I often reach for a lighter weight, fresher scents in the sunnier days. Maybe it’s psychological ; that if I use something zestier it incorporates with with bright, warmer days, I have no idea. I just know my muskier, heady, much-loved winter fragrances tend to take a little bit of a backseat on the shelf in the coming months.
Here’s a selection of the spring scents that I am loving at the moment : some are new, some are ones that I have worn for many, many years. The prices range from a more affordable £44 to £160 (ouch) so let’s get sniffing.
Serge Lutens Fleur D’oranger. I’ve used this for so many years ; I think this may be my 3rd bottle of this orange nectar aka Serge Lutens Fleur D’oranger. Orange blossom is one of my favourite scents and this is probably the best fragrance money can buy if you LOVE this gorgeous floral note too. It’s not fussy, it’s not over-complicated with lots of other notes : just pure, fresh orange blossom in a bottle. They are fuc*ing expensive but I really find the Serge Lutens parfums last really well on the skin. (£160)
L’Occitane Rose Eau De Toilette*. A really pretty, elegant, yet modern take on a rose fragrance. I’m a little picky when it comes to Rose in perfume and there is only a handful I like and this is one of them. It’s fresh as opposed to over-powering or too talcy. Alongside the rose notes, there is pink peppercorn, lychee, raspberry, amber ,musk and patchouli which give it a really juicy and playful smell. This is slightly more feminine than my other go-to’s, perhaps not as unisex as the others I seem to be wearing, which is why it’s a great addition to my spring scent collection. (£49)
Jo Loves Pomelo. Ahhhhh Jo Malone : you can’t go *too* wrong can you. Jo Loves, if you didn’t know, is Jo Malone’s new fragrance range, as she is no longer part of Jo Malone as we know it. ‘Pomelo’ is her signature scent of her now-not-so-new-but-kinda-new perfume brand. It’s super fresh, super zesty and it’s pink grapefruit, vetiver and suede. A fragrance that I usually wouldn’t like so much as I don’t often love fruity fragrances but there’s something about it that is really wearable and uplifting. A perfect holiday fragrance and I also love the clean and simple packaging. (£70)
Nuxe Les Matins Possible* This is a fragrance I got gifted at a press day last summer (& customised with the pretty illustrations) and I was heavily pregnant so was staying away from new scents as I was pretty sick throughout. I cracked this open just a few weeks ago and it’s a really beautiful, light and uplifting scent. The main note is Orange Blossom which makes it a very light and fresh scent, perfect for daytime wear. It has a slight kickback of musk which is the base note which makes it a little more interesting than your typical citrus scent. Affordable, easy and light. (£44.50)
Do you switch up your fragrances seasonally? Have you tried any of my go-to picks at the moment? Let me know your faves!
* press samples