The Leesa Mattress : Unwrapping & First Impressions.

Something a little different on the blog today! Off the back of having a conversation with some of you on twitter (which sparked *quite* the debate AKA mattress wars) I wanted to talk about possibly my most exciting purchase of the year and it’s not a makeup palette.

I have been talking about getting a new mattress for SO long and it’s finally happened. It was a tough choice as there are quite a few of these @ home delivery mattress-in-a box-type brands out there at the moment, so I did my research, asked around, tweeted, watched MATTRESS REVIEWS on You Tube (yes this is a thing….check Sleepopolis for more – it’s addictive and you never would know how many factors there are to a what-you-thought was a simple mattress!)…..and we finally choose The Leesa Mattress.

How & Why we chose Leesa.

It was quite last minute as we were going towards an EVE or Simba as for me , I had heard about these more, possibly due to their social media presence ,but Leesa popped up on an advert (*google knows*) and I clicked in, and then headed to Sleepopolis to see their review…which was really good. It was also £100 off at the time so we went ahead and purchased a king size Leesa mattress for the price of £590 instead of £690.

Leesa also offer a 100-day trial so if you unhappy with the mattress they will simply pick it back up for free and you get a full refund. It also comes with a 10-yr guarantee.

Aside from the great reviews and the money off ; Leesa appear to be a company that gives back, which I really love. For every 10 mattresses they sell, they donate one to charity. They also partner with The Arbor Day Foundation and for EVERY mattress they sell, they plant a tree.

Oh, and I also love Michael Phelps. 

Why did we even buy a new mattress?

You are probably like me ; Never even really thought about investing in a mattress. I sleep *ok* and our mid-range Ikea mattress was only a few years old, however over the last 6 months, my husband has been having terrible back pains, sleeping really badly and this in turn…..has caused me many restless nights. I am not sure if it was psychological and spurred on by him, but in more recent months, I was waking up with aches and pains, and realised our mattress was the probable cause. As my life gets busier, sleep becomes more important and good quality sleep makes all the difference between having a productive day VS not.

The arrival of The Leesa Mattress.

Once we had placed our order online, It only took a few days to arrive. Even leading up to the delivery, I kept checking back on reviews to re-assure myself that we had made the right choice….£590 for a mattress is not actually that pricey but it’s still a lot of money.

As imagined, it arrived in a large, heavy box that needed 2 people to manoeuvre it into a space in the corner of the house until the (also new) bed frame arrived. < As soon as this arrived, we *finally* could unwrap the Leesa : I honestly haven’t been as excited and apprehensive about any of my birthday or Christmas presents over recent years (sorry husband).

As per (very easy) instructions, took the vacuum packed mattress out of the box and placed it onto the bed , the right side up, before we cut open the wrap. It’s really tightly packed so has a few layers to cut through but once you have the wrap all off, the mattress expands out pretty rapidly. Within 5 minutes it almost looked good to go, however it takes around an hour to fully expand so it’s sleep-able and then a further few days to become it’s best, which is where we are now.

The Leesa mattress is a foam mattress using multiple layers to ensure the best comfort and sleep. There is a top 5cm layer of Avena foam which is apparently cooling, followed by a 5cm layer of memory foam which is to contour the body and relieve pressure and then the main bulk is 15cm of dense core foam support.

First Impressions.

The way it looks: LOVE. I like the modern pattern and design on the mattress, the covering is really soft and it was almost a shame to cover it with a bed sheet.

We have now slept on the Leesa mattress for 3 nights. Life has never been so good. Honestly, when we first got into bed on the first night we both lay then moaning and groaning in the most un-sexual way possible as it was just SO damn comfortable. Neither of us wanted to move because as soon as you lie down, the mattress hugs you in your position and off you drift. Another key difference besides the comfort factor of the Leesa VS a standard mattress is that you can’t feel the other person moving about as much so you don’t get constantly woken up if they are restless and vica versa.

One negative. Is the initial smell. This was expected as this was in the reviews and also on the Leesa website : It does have a very strong plastic smell when first opened. This is because they are made to order and it’s ‘newly manufactured’ plus possibly from the plastic vacuum pack in combination. I lit up a couple of candles and the smell has dissipated within a few hours, although didn’t completely go until a good few days in. Just a heads up, but no deal breaker.

So, there you are : 2 very happy customers and even better sleepers. I want to do another update perhaps in a month which may be able to offer more information about the longer term satisfaction of the mattress and also the back pains etc and if there is a clear improvement.

*We are now waiting for a local charity to come and pick up our old frame and mattress who will provide it for a family or person/s who need it. Definitely consider this is you are up-grading !*

If you want any more info on The Leesa Mattress then do head over to their website as it’s full of useful information, what they are about and also tips about sleeping. I would also highly recommend going to the Sleepopolis website I mentioned initially as they have great comparison reviews between the different *popular* mattresses and more in-depth ratings.

Have you been seeing the adverts for these mattress-in-a-box brands? Has it tempted you? Perhaps you have invested? Do let me know as I would love to hear your thoughts.

*This is a sponsored post & for full disclosure : we purchased the Leesa as described as above. Since it arrived, the brand contacted me about doing an honest review. So here we are.