Barry M Liquid Chrome Highlighter Drops : Review + Swatches.

Liquid dropper highlighters have become quite a *thing* over the last year. I think it was Cover FX who spearheaded this trend, so as always, other brands and dupes will follow. I have tried most of the brands, both high end and budget and in my opinion the Barry M Liquid Chrome highlighter drops are the best high street version out there.

Why liquid highlighter?.you may cry. You love your powder glorious-ness and see no need for perhaps-more-complex liquid versions. Well they are simply more versatile, and in general they pack more of a punch in their glowy payoff. Liquid highlighters can be dropped into your primer, your skincare, your makeup, worn solo so you can totally customise your glow and amp it up to whatever Watt you like. Cream and liquid highlighters tend to have a a metallic finish on the skin too due to the nature of the formula.

Basically, if you like insane highlight = reach for a liquid.

If you want your glow to be seen from another dimension, layer your highlight with a powder first then top it up with a liquid to finish. Yes Ma’am.

I like the fact they haven’t ripped off any other brand in their packaging and design *cough makeup revolution* and they have their own unique look and feel. One thing I find with the formula is that it’s slightly thicker than other liquid highlighters so the dropper gets a little gloopy so I just dab and smear it on using the dropper.

They currently have 5 shades and I have no doubt due to the popularity, there will be more coming our way. My most loved are ‘At First Light’ and ‘Beam Me Up’ ; They have just the right amount of sheen and I love the way they look on my skin tone. I think they are definitely the best dupe for my beloved Cover FX drops which are around 3.5 times the price ml for ml.

The Barry M Liquid Chrome highlighter drops cost £6.99 for 10ml. You only need  a tiny dollop to give you a full-face glow so one bottle will see you through a good year or so, unless you are drinking the stuff. I dab it straight onto my face and then blend away with my fingertips or a foundation brush if I’m feelin’ fancy.

Have you picked up any of the Barry M Liquid Chromes yet? What are your favourite highlighters?