My Journey 2010 – 2020.

Honestly, we will be here forever if I try and talk you through a whole decade of my life. It’s been a big ol’ one that’s for sure and I’ve pretty much gone through all of the big *life-changers* over these last 10 years.

In quick summary & in no particularly order :

I had wild experiences in London. I worked super hard as a makeup artist. I took opportunities. I had 3am call times. I learnt. I achieved some really amazing things. I worked with lots of celebs and models. I travelled. I grew up fast. I went to ALL of the festivals. I camped. I hated it. I met Tom. I fell in love. We got married. We had a dream 1-month honeymoon in California. We had a baby. We bought a house. Herman + Hilda gave me so much JOY. Calvin Harris followed me on Twitter. I stopped breathing.

We hosted the Olympics. London was ALIVE. I worked with my all-time favourite band. My mum died. I struggled immensely. I had to deal with things no 33-yr old should. It took years. I changed my career. I moved out of London. I lived. I learnt. I fell. I got stronger. I lost friendships. It was for the best. I made some amazing new ones and re-kindled old ones.

I immersed myself in the world of blogging. It’s been hard. I’ve had successes. I’ve had failures. There will be many more. I’ve worked SO incredibly hard. I’ve stayed true to myself. I’ve been honest. I’ve shared online. I muted. I made some immense blog pals. I dis-connected with the dishonest, the fakes and the BS’ers. I’ve worked with one of my favourite brands. I scored my first campaign.

I’ve been selfish. I’ve been self-less. I cut ties. I said no. I learnt hard lessons. I’ve danced all night and regretted all day. I’ve spent money I didn’t have. I got into debt. I became debt-free. I gave up smoking. I’ve people-pleased. I’ve lied. I’ve been envious.

I’ve rediscovered. I’ve taken the plunge. I’ve taken risks. I’ve reaffirmed my love of nature. I’ve hiked in Yosemite. I skied an Olympic black run. I gambled in Vegas. I won $0.86. I became a homebody. I’ve fallen in love with the simple things. I love the country more than the city. I’m comfortable with what I enjoy. I’m a mum. I’m trying. I’m getting better. I recognise my privilege.

I’ve learnt about friendship. I’ve been a true friend. I haven’t many regrets. I’m looking forward. I’m feeling positive.

Here’s to the next TEN my friends.