So it’s been a long time since we made the big move from London to the country…coming up to 7 months in fact. It’s taken SUCH a long time for us to settle in, make our home, get used to the HUGE change in pace, life & surroundings and also….trying to unpack 3678 boxes when trying to look after a newborn baby.
I feel like we have really only just ‘properly’ settled in this last month… all our furniture has arrived, the new sofa is here and we’ve put the finishing touches all around the house…including the gorgeous prints I ordered from Desenio a few weeks ago.
Desenio are an online print and frame company. It’s a brand I had always heard about, but didn’t realise just how many prints and styles they did until I went and had a browse online. It actually took me a couple of days to choose the right ones for the house : They do SO, SO many! One thing I really likes was the little mock up tool they have on the site, so you can create your own wall gallery to see how the different prints complement each other and look together before you commit. You can even change the sofa colour and decor a bit to get it near to what you have in your own home.
I wanted to share with you some of the prints I have put up and also a few little snapshots of our new home (and maybe a bit of Herman!).
Moving out of London we have obviously upsized in terms of space quite a bit…from a small 3-bed to a large 4-bed and it’s taken a while to get used to the scale of the house when we have been used to a small victorian terrace for so many years.
I think this is also a reason we have taken a while to furnish and decor….we actually didn’t have enough ‘stuff’ to even fill the house when we arrived so it was a bit of a half-house for a good few months. There is still a reception room that is still a bit of a dumping ground at the moment, but soon to become Margot’s play area when she needs more space AKA the dreaded crawling which is definitely not far away!
We moved VERY last minute and it was literally just before Margot was born that Tom took a new job. We started looking on Rightmove and travelled to Dorset for the day to do back-to-back house viewings when she was just 7 weeks old! Fortunately we found our dream home and we signed for it on the spot, and the next time we saw it was the night we arrived a month later. Rural village life is worlds apart from where we used to live…100m from the central line tube taking me into central London in 20 minutes.
We now are detached with no immediate neighbours and we actually have a garden that is like…...a proper garden, as opposed to the teeny concrete-can’t-swing-a-cat area you usually will have in London….if you are lucky. I absolutely love it and if we ever move back to a city I think it’ll be very hard to transition back.
If you need to brighten up your home, then pictures are an easy way to change a room, add a splash of colour and really finish a room. On Desenio you can order prints and frames separately if you wish and from looking around and doing price comparisons, it’s definitely one of the cheapest places to buy both of these items. Print prices start from just £3.95 and you can also opt for lots of different sizes.
They do all the different sizes and shades of frames you could ever need : every print you can buy can be framed, or you can buy them individually, depending on your needs. I ordered just a few prints on their own (they are super affordable btw!) as I already have some empty frames that needed filling. When you order your prints and frames they don’t come ‘framed’ they all come separately so you frame them (it’s very easy!) yourself.
For our print style, we decided to chose relatively simple designs and colours ; we didn’t go for anything too bright so it could work in any home if/when we move in the future.
We have a blue and yellow theme going on in our lounge so the images reflect that and of course, our love of nature and animals! The bedroom (which I haven’t shown too much of – it was messy that day!) is soft pinks, greys and blues so the soft palm tree and leaf prints seem to work really well. The leopard print is in my makeup room along with a couple of others and then I also picked a random cat print which I’m still yet to decide where it’s perfect wall space is.
I am really loving my home decor finally! It just all of a sudden feels finished and ‘done’ and we are feeling settled and really pleased. It’s also quite crazy how just putting up the prints around the house has made such a different to all the rooms.
I am super happy with all the prints we chose and how they look together. The dark frames are ‘brown wood’ and the metallic frames are ‘copper’ (note that they do look quite rose gold in real life). If these don’t suit your decor style they also do white, different shades of wood, black, silver and gold frames. Below I have linked all of the main prints you can see here for your reference/ if you like ’em!
Lounge x 4 : Stag, Blue Sky, Yellow Sun, Hummingbird
Pink Sky & Birds > link
Bedroom : palm leaf, pink sky palm trees > link
Leopard ‘Stay wild for a while’ > link
Small print with leaf detail > link
Cat print > link
I also have this ‘Beauty Skull‘ one in my makeup room which is kind of dark, but I just love it.
I also have a 25% off discount code ‘LAURALOU‘ for my readers which is just valid for TODAY (18th June) until midnight 20th June. So you have 3 days to use this if you want to order up some prints/and or frames. PLEASE NOTE : This % discount is for the prints only and not the frames and doesn’t include the handpicked / personalised prints.
What do you think of the prints I have chosen? Let me know your favourites and if you are thinking of ordering any! Also, I would be interested to know if you want to see more decor / home interiors posts like these.
This post is made in collaboration with Desenio.