YOU TUBE : A full face of makeup using Too Faced.

Hey pals! Whilst I’m not quite back onto that blogging vibe – I haven’t been well, I will explain all soon, I did manage to film a lil’ makeup look a couple of weeks ago which I have just got round to editing.

As you can gauge from the title : it’s a full face of makeup using all TOO FACED makeup, one of my favourite brands at the moment and this is hopefully the start of a You Tube series focusing on using just one brand.

The look is a warm smokey eye using the glorious Peachy Mattes eyeshadow palette and a high impact coral-red lipstick. All the products used are broken down on the video, so please have a wee watch when you can.

Also, I’m struggling a little with my video content so will be doing a few more chatty beauty & makeup videos from now on as opposed to straight tutorials, in the meantime if you can please….

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See you soon x