Makeup Crush Monday #25 | Too Faced Semi-Sweet Chocolate Bar Palette

Say hello to the new Too Faced Semi-Sweet Chocolate Bar palette. It’s a good ‘un. I am a huge fan/stalker of Too Faced…

Makeup Crush Monday #13 | Erborian HD CC cream

The Eborian HD CC cream (also know by the longer tongue-twisting name of the CC Creme High definition radiance face cream) is the…

Makeup Crush Monday #12 | Makeup Forever HD Powder.

First up : Makeup Forever is FINALLY coming to the high street and will be launching into Debenhams this May in the UK…

#2 Makeup Crush Monday | Makeup Revolution Liquid Eyeliner.

The second instalment in my new series of #MakeupCrushMonday introduces the Makeup Revolution Awesome Double flick liner. This was sent to me a…