I love my posh candles. It’s an expensive habit I gained from when I used to work at Space NK and my obsession with Diptyque, Jo Malone, Aromatherapy Associates candles is never-ending (The Ambre Diptyque candle is LIFE btw). Aside from the hours of gorgeous-smelling indulgence you get from burning these aromatic candles, they also work wonders for little storage jars after you have burned them down. They are easy to clean and de-wax , all you need is boiling water, some washing up liquid and some window/glass polish.
[1] Get your dead candle jar. There will usually be burn marks up the side of the glass, buts of dried wax and then maybe a pool of dried wax and the burnt-down wick at the bottom. All you need to do is boil your kettle and then fill the glass with hot water.
[2] This will melt the wax, and then after a few minutes, pour away the water, get a knife and scrape out the remaining wax inside ; The metal base of the wick will just slide away too if your candle has that.
[3] It will still look a little dirty & waxy; this is when you get a good dollop of washing up liquid, a sponge and then just give it a good clean all over and this will remove any residue left.
[4] Dry the glass out and then give them an all-over and inside spritz with a glass/window cleaner, get a bit of kitchen roll or even better, a microfibre cloth and then polish all over. TA-DAH a lovely sparkling jar.
NOTE: I avoid putting them in the dishwasher, especially Diptyque/ Jo Malone as it may take off the sticker, which for me, is the beauty of this jar. So be careful about that. Rinsing them out manually takes minutes.
Ideas for use:
I usually use them for putting ‘stick-like’ things in them – makeup brushes, my toothbrush & paste in the bathroom, pens, cotton buds etc. I’ve seen some people grow herbs, put flowers in them and do more fancy things with them too ; just go onto Pinterest and you can get so many brilliant and creative ideas.