Nespresso Lattissima Coffee Machine Review : a game-changer for me!

the best coffee machine

This purchase was a game-changer for me! Let’s chat Nespresso coffee machines and why you may need one in your life!

Something a little bit different today and something I know a lot of people may be interested in as I get quite a lot of questions about it over on Instagram so here is my full review of my Nespresso De’Longhi Lattissima One coffee machine.

I got handed down a Nespresso machine from my mum that I/we literally had for I would say nearly 10 years. It was brilliant, it really lasted well, and it was a really bulky ‘proper’ machine. It didn’t even die after all this time, it was just on it’s way out and needed lots of de-scaling / upkeep so I thought as I use my coffee machine SO much, it was time to get a new one.

After lots of research and scouring sites on line, I decided to go for the Nespresso De’Longhi Latissima One coffee machine. It was a great price-point, it was a lot more slimline than my previous one, it seemed a lot better functionality-wise and it looked great. I got it for Christmas 2019 and have been using it daily ever since!

nespresso delonghi lattissima one nespresso delonghi lattissima nespresso delonghi lattissima one nespresso delonghi lattissima one the best coffee machine

Review of the Nespresso De’Longhi Lattissima One coffee machine :

Now, first things first. I’m a basic coffee drinker : I’m not a coffee snob as such and I like a pretty basic, frothy and milky coffee. I’m not an expert, I just like a couple of cups a day to see me through and wanted something easy and quick to use. OK.

What I noticed when it arrived was how much lightweight it was than my old machine (which was vastly metal I think!) ; it was half the size, very easy to set up and get going. The instruction manual is vast, comes in multiple languages and tells you everything you could possibly want to know. I chose the white colour as opposed to black just because it goes better in my kitchen and I was a bit reluctant it would look cheap but it is absolutely perfect, and looks great!

My previous machine had a milk-frother-thing which I never actually used as it was difficult to clean and use but this in-built milk jug and frother is super easy and quick. Only thing is you have to clean it out after use, although to be honest, I just do it at the end of each day and I am still alive and thriving after 6 months! All the parts of the milk frother that need cleansing are dishwasher safe so I just pull the pieces apart (there’s 5 components) whack it in there to clean every evening.

The heat of the milk that comes out is nice and hot. The heat of the coffee that comes out of the machine is warm-hot. I know a lot of coffee drinkers who like it piping hot ; this isn’t piping hot, it’s nice and drinkable straight away.

The Nespresso De’Longhi Lattissima One coffee machine currently comes in 2 shades – black or white!

There are 3 settings on the machine : espresso, lungo and milk. It is a perfect machine for making macchiato lattes and cappuccinos apparently although I just do it in my own way and customise it to how I like my coffee (large mug = 2 capsules / one on espresso / one on lungo / full serving of milk… I think it’s just a very milky coffee?!) If you want to be fancy you can get the fancy two tone lattes etc.

The machine heats up in 25 seconds, perfect for that morning rush… has an automatic switch-off after 9 minutes. It has an auto-cleaning system and also de-scaling alerts. I’ve had to descale it twice so far which is absolutely fine. You have the full instructions in the manual and I managed it so anyone can! PS I use a white vinegar mix but I’m sure it’s easier to get a proper coffee machine de-scaler.

Honestly, this coffee machine has been a bit of a godsend and I use it 2-3 times a day and I love it. Coffee snobs, and people who like a more speciality coffee or something a little fancier may want to spend more on a machine but this for £200-ish is an absolutely brilliant price point and imagine all the Costa / Starbucks / etc money you will be saving. I have a disposable coffee cup that I take out with me withe in the car or on the pram when I’m out and about.

The machine is obviously designed to take Nespresso capsules but as we know a lot of the supermarkets etc do compatible coffee pods and I have used most in here with no problems.

A few of my friends have purchased this same machine since and I’ve heard nothing but great feedback from them. Please feel free to ask me any questions if I have not covered it!

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Are Nespresso coffee machines worth the money?!

Honestly, having a decent at-home coffee machine has been an absolute game-changer for me! I have maybe 2 cups a day but it’s something I *really* look forward to and I love the fact it’s quick and easy and tastes so good! I used to spend obscene amounts per week on Costa coffee when I was working in London and to me, this tastes nearly as good. I know a few of my friend’s who have bought this from my recommendation and are making their coffee’s for their commute etc in a re-useable cup. If you are a coffee lover, it’s a great purchase for yourself or a great gift for someone else. We bought a Nespresso machine for Tom’s parents for Christmas too and they love it.

I’ve just had a little scan online and this machine has already been updated a little so I will add the links to the the newer Nespresso Lattissima Touch Coffee Machine (ahem and slightly fancier machine, although it’s the same price!). What I would say though, is that this is my second Nespresso coffee machine and I’ve found it to be an excellent brand, very few problems and great customer service.

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