I have NEW Pastel hair!

 I had my hair trimmed and dyed last week by my lovely friend and hairdresser, Nikki. I wanted to get rid of my really long, near-black roots and turn the colour of my multi-faceted hair (it was like 5 shades) into a more ‘natural’ ahem graduation from dark to platinum/silver. I’m a bit strange in the fact that I love to have a bit of root showing, so Nikki just lightened up my root to a medium/pale brown and it graduated into the hair more naturally than I had done it before (bad at-home-job I hold my hands up!).

I have been wearing clip-in hair for over 12 years now and I always dye up a set or 2 when my hair colour changes. My last set was a pinky/lilac but with my new hair tone I wanted something a lot cooler and start playing with silver/lilac/blue a little more. I ordered some Hot Hair extensions in x3 shades of blonde as I like it to be multi-tone and play around with the colour a bit. I used a mix of Schwarzkopf Live Colour XXL to colour my extensions and I am SO happy with the results! Not only did the colour come up really well (& match my new hair colour) but the hair extensions are so soft and gorgeous….kinda wish my ACTUAL hair was as soft and silky.

What do you think of the new hair colour?! It’s quite different for me as I have always been warmer tones….peachy and pink.

Coming soon is my in-depth and ‘how-to’ for pastel hair and hair extensions so you can see the full process and what you have to do to get this kind of look, particularly if you’re not a natural blonde.