Hello! How are you all? I thought I would quickly check-in here and give you a wave – I’ve been very quiet on here, simply because of that January feeling that just won’t seem to shift? Anyone else??
I’ve had chats with quite a few people in DM’s and it seems that so many of us have started this year feeling just a little….shitty. It’s been hard to shake off! I think, for me, it’s a combination of not having motivation, energy and the social media pressure-to-perform has gotten a little too much. I am exhausted. I’ve just moved house after a pretty tough couple of years and I can’t find my mojo! It’s ok, I feel ok and I know I will get it back and feel good again but I’m just giving myself the time that I need….which is seemingly the whole month of January.
I’m still living out of boxes and haven’t got my workspace in order and I feel like that is also a contributing factor to my lack of reviews, news and makeup fun on here and over on Instagram…I also can’t find anything! I feel like I’ll be on top of everything by the end of this month, so I look forward to sharing so much with you then – when I’m ‘me’ again and when I can really put my all into what I love and that’s writing for you and sharing my thoughts on all things beauty + lifestyle.
I put so much of my heart into this little space, and I also want to say thanks for everyone of you who visits this site and for all your support, comments and love over the years – I’ve had a real think about everything over the last couple of months : where my space is, how I can improve and where I want to go with ‘Laura Lou Beauty/Makeup’ : and I think now more than ever…blogs / honest reviews and beauty chat are much needed in this crazy little whirlwind of social media.