I had a bit of Botox last month when I was back home in Jersey and wanted to share the results with you. I am 31 years old so not a ridiculous age to start this treatment, and my main concern was the fine lines that were more prominent on my forehead.
A few years ago I used to notice them more and more as the day went on, and my makeup creased into the lines…..This year, they were already there when I woke up in the morning. gaaaah. I tried a RIDICULOUSLY pricey £500 plus serum which will remain nameless as no it didn’t work or give *botox-like* effects. The next step was either to cut a fringe or have botox again.
I saw the doctor who talked me through it, filled out monotonous forms to see if I was worthy of having the treatment. I was then ok’d and passed onto the clinic nurse who would do the actual botox injections. It was so funny, Jersey being a small place, it was actually a girl who was a couple of years below me at prep school so we had a little school gossip, talked about Henry Cavill (he was in her year) and then got down to business.
For the first time I had an injection in one of my brows that sat a bit lower than the other (my right) to give this a lift too. I also had injections in between my brows (frown lines) and across my forehead to soften movement. This was where I have had it before and after the initial consultation, was where we decided it was best to do it again as it is my problem area. This is the best I have had my botox done as it didn’t feel or look super frozen, none of my friends or even my boyfriend noticed. Instead I choose to tell the thousands who read my blog :-/
Here are some different photos of before and afters. As you may or may not know, it won’t immediately work, it takes around 10 days to fully take effect.
Above: Frowning in all the photos as the botox takes action
Above: Frowning before / after
Above: Raising brows before / after
Above: Immediately after treatment. You can pretty much carry on as normal.
So I was in and out in around 35 minutes, and trotted off on my day as usual. Some people do get bruising and swelling but if it is done well, this shouldn’t be the case.
I am really happy with the results and love the slight lift on my eyebrow,and I will 100% be going back to this clinic when I need a top-up. I feel like I am frowning and making my usual facial expressions but then I look in the mirror and it’s just not happening the same as I’m feeling it…it’s weird/good. I also have a super-smooth forehead and those soft lines that I was waking up with are simply not there.
My only problem now is that I think I could be at the stage where I will want it straight away as soon as it wears off me (3 months or so) so this could be the start of an expensive habit. As before, I would like to also state that this isn’t a sponsored post and I paid for this with my money. I don’t believe in promoting these kind of things, but I know from my last post , that loads of people are interested in reading about it. If you want a bit more info/links etc then do look at my previous post as I go a bit more in-depth into the procedure and side effects etc.