Barry M recently launched a whole new line of foundation AND concealers : the All Night Long range. I have to be honest, up until now I have never tried any of the Barry M base products as I think they are a little overshadowed by their wonderful spectrum of colour makeup so I was intrigued to give both a try.
The All Night Long Foundations come in a stick formula and promise a long wear ‘all night’ wear. They are a creamy and blend able formula, I would say a medium-medium/full (if you build) coverage and they have launched with 8 shades. I always love a stick foundation as they are so quick and easy to apply, build up and obviously they can be used as foundation, highlight or contour. They do stay on my skin really well, although as I am oily, a light powdering a couple of times throughout the day was still required. I find the best way to apply these is to draw them straight onto the face and then buff out with a damp sponge or brush to get a really beautiful finish.
I have actually never tried any other budget/high street brand of stick foundations so I can’t compare, although I do have the MUFE and Hourglass stick foundations which have a slightly ‘wetter’ and creamier feel to them. The Barry M sticks feel a little stiffer in formula, yet NOT as heavy in coverage. I think for the price point they are REALLY great and I would say these will be great for the summer when you want a slightly more semi-matte finish with your base, and not the full cover. I would just hope that they extend this line with another x3 shades of darker tones.
I rarely wear a primer even though I am on the oily side, but if you are a primer gal or guy then guess what?!…they’ve also gone and launched some All Night Long Primers, again in an easy stick-application formula which work perfectly with these foundations.
The All Night Long Full Coverage Concealers are what I was really excited to try as I am running out of my beloved Collection concealer and these Barry M ones look like they could be a perfect replacement. They are a creamy & full coverage that come with a wand applicator and can be used all over the face. I am finding them really good and they are easy to apply and blend and you can get a good coverage with them without the heaviness that can come with fuller-coverage concealers and bases. I am using it mainly under the eyes (a few dabs) and then on the odd blemish or area of redness when it appears. They last pretty well and I don’t need to touch up throughout the day.
They have launched with 6 shades and as with the foundations, I would hope they would extend this by maybe 3 more to give a slightly better range of tones.
Both the concealers and foundations go SUPER PALE so if you are on the fairer side and struggle to find shades that aren’t too pink/orange on your porcelain skin, then definitely go and have a swatch of these in Boots or Superdrug as I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Also, these paler shades are great for using as highlighters.
Below is me with bare skin, how I apply the sticks and concealer before I buff out with a brush or sponge and then the final finish, with a little bit of blusher and powder. I am currently wearing shade Cookie in the foundation and Cookie & Oatmeal (under the eyes to lift/brighten) in the concealer.