Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
HELLO! I hope you are all well on this very Monday-feeling Tuesday after the bank holiday Easter weekend.I just wanted to let you know about a little project myself and Zoe are running over on Instagram during the lockdown called #ArtFromTheSofa.
It’s simply encouraging you (and us!) to dust off our paint brushes, pastels, pencils or whatever medium you like to start creating some fun artwork. There is a weekly ‘theme’ which you can loosely use to create your ideas and we are sharing them using the hashtag….or if you don’t feel confident enough to share….then you don’t have to, just join along for fun and a bit of creative time.
I am not amazing at art myself but what I do find is that time I spend doing it, I really allow my mind to wander, relax, get immersed in something else that isn’t the terrifying news / updates and the rest that is all around us.
Please don’t think you have to be great or stick to a certain type of art : allow yourself to do what you want whether it be painting, abstract, pencil drawings, makeup/art on your face or any other means! I also would like to add I have no paper (so have been using old cardboard boxes!), no mixing palettes (so have been using old food containers), and no actual painting brushes (so I have used some of my makeup brushes!). Specialist equipment or experience isn’t needed.
It’s important to stay up-to-date with what’s going on around the world, but I believe it’s equally as important to unplug, have some time to yourself and art is such a great form of losing yourself and the day-to-day stresses of life.
Last week’s theme was FLORAL & GREEN.
This week it’s BIG CATS and it started today so please get involved if you fancy it. It’s easy to think straight away of drawing real-life and realistic images of animals, but there is so much more to it. I knocked up a fun mood board to spur on some ideas! I think I will do something fun and abstract for Margot’s nursery.