6 things that have made me SMILE this week.

HELLO! Just wanted to give you a small sprinkle of positivity amongst all my beauty reviews and skincare launches. I’ve had my ups and downs over the last few months and I think it’s really important to keep check on the good things rather than focus all your energy on the bad. I am constantly reminding myself how lucky I am for SO many things. 

Here are a few small things that are bringing me happiness and I am grateful for. 

Peonies. You know flowers bring me joy and good vibrations! Well I am well and truly amongst peony season and have indulged in a fair few bunches over the last few weeks. I have had some lovely bunches from Bloom & Wild (CLICK HERE to get £10 off ANY bunch – I get £10 credit too!) and they’ve just bought so much gorgeous-ness to my home. 

Margot. Margot is an absolute tornado and she honestly drives me mad as much as she makes me laugh but she is such a sweet little girl. She has recently starting her own way of communicating with us by taking our hands and leading us to what she wants or where she wants to go! She will often bring me her shoes and hat to let me know she wants to go outside (even when it’s torrential rain outside!) and it’s so nice to have this form of communication with her rather than nothing at all. 

Charity Shops. I have a couple of charity shops up my local high street and since they have re-opened I have popped in a few times to pick up some bargains. I love these smaller, out-of-big-city charity shops as I find you get more gems. I have managed to find some books for Margot and a few toys and some very fun and old-school flower vases for myself. 

Coconut Barista Milk. I have only thus far found this in Tesco, in the long life milk section. It’s a game-changer in your morning coffee and it froths perfectly through my infamous Nespresso machine of joy!

People’s kindness. I don’t talk about it much on here, I don’t think I ever have actually, but I do share a bit about Margot, my daughter and the difficulties we have been going through with her over the last year or so. She has developmental issues, possibly more and it’s really been a very tough and heart-breaking ride for both me and my husband. Whenever I have shared anything about this on my Instagram stories I get a huge flood of DM’s and messages giving me support and advice. I sometimes find it overwhelming how much people care and how kind stranger’s can be. I love my little Instagram crew and I find it such an important place to get help, questions answered and just a bit of girl gang support and love.

It’s lots of the small little things which can drown out the bigger troubles!