It’s the new year, I’ve just realised on the 4th of January… And I didn’t even think about making any resolutions, mainly because I break them every year, and also because I always make the same old ridiculous sweeping ones (become rich etc $$).
I’m moving in with my long-suffering boyfriend at the end of this month, all very exciting and fresh for the new year…. But then it’s quite an expensive hobby, moving house, so I need to save some serious cash this month!! No wreck less spending on beauty products I don’t need.. I have seen via Grace from All that Slap, that a few bloggers are doing a 100 day no spending on beauty unnecessites, so I am very quickly jumping on this bandwagon. I have so many beauty products, I know I could quite happily ‘survive’ for a good few years without buying ANYTHING…Not including tissues, cotton pads, hygiene etc, but all skincare, hair products, makeup and bath products…. I have too much, it’s actually a bit grotesque , and the habit is making me less rich than I should be. Aka poor.
I thought I needed new shampoo/conditioner last week but actually before I bought I thought I would check what I had in the beauty boxes under my bed, and lo and behold I have 6 sets of really good (some super expensive….ranging from £12 to £38!!) shampoo & conditioner…. This freaked me out about as I would have just bought more…and more. It has to stop!! I could probably save a good £100 a month if I stop indulging in this needless beauty splurges. Even for my blog, I have so much to review etc I really don’t need more.
So the 100 day ban starts from TODAY so no more beauty buying…..and clothes for that matter too. A good excuse to also detox/ lose some turkey weight and then treat myself at the end of this period to something nice.
Detox -wise, yes I am jumping on the bandwagon. Nothing fad or crash diet style….just a well balanced blah blah blah lifestyle all these fitness people talk about. Eating lean n’ clean, and no more huge booze binges that I *may* be infamous for. I think we all know what we should and shouldn’t avoid when it comes to our health but it’s just changing lifestyle and having the want to actually change. I would love to say I’m not going to drink for 100 days but there is no point because that for me……is ridiculous.
100 days from today: My Shopping ban ends on Saturday the 13th APRIL…gulp.
Are you doing the 100 day ‘no buy’ challenge? Is it something you would/could do? Or what are your 2013 Resolutions? If you are doing the 100 day ban then I believe Twitter will have a forum for people doing this on Thursday the 10th January at 8pm GMT.. then I believe, the same time every week. You can join in on #spendingban to air your thoughts. Also, the spending ban obvs doesn’t have to be just beauty…..anything you spend needlessly on…food, shoes, bags, music…….trainers ahem!